"Elevator" Line- A robot leaves his highly advanced homeworld to an uncivilized planet to live with an unadvanced alien species.
Synopsis- My character is a robot created by an advanced species. Their planet is running out of resources, so they create robots and send them into space to find rich planets for mining. The robot finds a planet but crash lands. He comes across an unadvanced but intelligent alien species. The aliens saw the robot's ship crash and think he is a god of sorts. They welcome the robot into their village. After living with the aliens for a while, the robot decides abandon his mission and live with the aliens.
Theme- The robot represents a person in today's society(mostly city dwellers), the aliens represent ancient humans that lived without advanced society( without money, government, or social status). The theme, Advanced society as an unnatural habitat for our species.
Central Point- The robot realizes that the aliens see him as one of their own and not just another number or robot(literally and figuratively speaking). It also speaks about society and technology as a whole and where it is headed, alienating us from the natural world.
Premise- The robot must decide whether to continue on in his mission or stay with the aliens and their quaint living.
Goal- To ask the question, is technology and society the only way for us to exist?
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