Thursday, December 1, 2011


Colin Hill
(901) 581-2178

I wish to obtain full time employment in the field of animation.


Currently Enrolled at Memphis College of Art.
Aug 2009-present
Candidate for Bachelor in Digital Media with a Concentration in Animation

Technical Skills:

Software Proficiency
Design/Illustration- Photoshop, Illustrator
Animation- After Effects, Animate Pro, Maya

Conceptual Skills
Storyboarding, Character Design and Development

First Place Accolade, Bartlett High School Art Contest, for Charcoal Drawing

Monday, November 28, 2011

European Traveling Fellowship

As an animator, my work is mostly centered around storytelling. This is not to say aesthetics are not important, but my primary goal is telling a story of some sort. As a beginner of my art, I have not perfected my storytelling skills by any means. It is because of this I have chosen to visit a country that is not necessarily booming with art(although it is not entirely lacking) but a country that can inspire me toward my storytelling goals. So I have chosen Ireland.

I have wanted to visit Ireland for some time now, for it’s beautiful geography and it’s history, as well as family genealogy ties. Basically I want to travel all over the country and absorb as much of the landscape and culture I can that will inspire me in my future work. I will visit museums and historic landmarks, I also want to meet and talk to people and learn more about the country’s cultural past and present.

My end project will be an animation. It will represent everything that I learned and that inspired me. I will bring a project dedicated sketchbook, as well as a camera. I will sketch what I see and document what I hear. While I am there I will constantly be investigating storytelling ideas and character motives. By the time I depart I should have everything I need to start a project.


Round Trip- $1,146
Best of Ireland Tour 7 Night
Accommodation with car rental pricing-
Jan-Mar & Nov-Dec $823
April & October $ 853
May-June $ 911
July- September $ 1000

Food and other expenses- $400

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Final animation- schedule

All assets finished

First half animated, beginning- turtles hatch

Second half animated, turtles hatch-to end

Final animation completed, tues-thurs, work on tweaking from critique

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final storyboard wright-up

I have changed my Animation topic again. I am now going to animate the beginning of a sea turtle's life. It interests me because they have such hard and brutal first steps. It is a very simple narrative, one that I think is feasible for the time I have to finish. The theme is, overcoming incredible odds and a view from the eyes of an animal much lower down the food chain.

Final Storyboard